jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

Module 10: Africa (question)

We will analyze the Ubuntu philosophy and its application to a very specific case. We will see how it helped in the case of the African Bank Miners Credit. In order to understand the context of the case it is important to know what this organization is. Established in 1993, African Bank Miners Credit is a division within African Bank. The company provides mine workers with access to finance. The challenge was to change the traditional behavior and mentality of the mining population and merge it with the new financial program. They were planning to do so by using the Investors in People (IIP) standards, but it was needed to be careful in the process. It was successfully done due to the implementation and internalization of the process by applying the Ubuntu philosophy. Now we will see what is exactly Ubuntu and how did it help.

Ubuntu is premised on the philosophy that one finds one’s own humanity in helping others to find theirs. It is a philosophy that reinforces the collectivist behaviors and creates a strong sense of community. It is a common philosophy in Africa no matter the differences in tribes or particular traditions. It argues that their existence depends on the welfare of the others, “I am, because we are”. At the workplace, Ubuntu generates trust for the relatives, a preeminence of the collective, kinship ties, teamwork, and also is very important to legitimate the power.

As a perfect example of the integration of the Ubuntu culture into the organiz

ation, African Miners Credit has used drums as an important part of the Ubuntu process and e

very employee has been given a drum. An Ubuntu drum even stands beneath the company’s Investors in People plaque. Drums have been used to symbolize communication and loyalty.

Another clear example of a successful measure was the explanation of the five key areas that the company would be focusing on using the medium of storytelling. Every employee was given one of the company’s “Our Ubuntu” booklets, which not only explained the Ubuntu culture campaign, but how employees would be able to contribute towards the overall success of the campaign.

Ubuntu was also an important tool to eradicate fraud from the organization, if one person is dishonest; this impacts negatively on the entire company. Employees were told that it was everyone’s responsibility to work together to eradicate dishonest practices and to create an environment in which respect, trust and honest business practices are upheld. They were also instructed to report any dishonest practices, irrespective of the level of the perpetrator.


African Bank Miners Credit – Case Study

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