domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010

Module 3: Exploring diversity (Question)

¿Do you think the entry and integration of new members to the European Union are processes that promote diversity? Or, on the contrary, strive to homogenize the European Society?

“Preserving and promoting cultural diversity are among the [European] Community’s founding principles”

Before giving any answer to this question is important to highlight the diverse nature of the European Union. We can find many different countries with a lot of variations in terms of languages (almost each country has its own language), traditions, religions, historical backgrounds and different behaviors. We also have to realize that the original process that has taken place in the integration of the EU hasn’t affected these diversities nor has threatened any particular culture of the member states.

Now, this could lead us to think that the entry of new member wouldn’t dramatically affect this and that it would promote even more diversity. Actually it does, in a certain way. I think it wouldn’t be correct to affirm that any process in the EU would lead to a “homogenization” of the European society because of their historical differences and their own values and cultures. We have seen that there is no complete homogenization, or at least is very difficult to achieve (even more when we talk about homogenization of more than 27 countries with different cultures).
Nevertheless I also think that the EU members can start generating a situation in which diversities can be compromised and limited to a certain point. What I mean is that it is true that there are a lot of diversities among EU States and most of them will keep existing, and we can also assume that the level of acceptance and tolerance between these differences is going to be very high, but the existence of a closed circle in which the diversities are already given and there is not a big chance for others to come in can generate a certain kind of “regionalism” that could be very dangerous in cultural terms.

In this hypothetical case, the EU would be very “limited” in terms of diversity. We can also notice that sometimes “the degree of that [cultural] diversity […] depends to a significant degree on the kind of immigration policy implemented” by the state (cultural diversity is more than just the migratory policies). So as a conclusion, I think that the entrance of new members dos promote diversity but they have to be very careful and take some additional measures in order to avoid becoming into a regional fortress where the diversities exist and are a lot but won’t be more that the ones that already are in.


Toggenburg, Gabriel N. Who is managing ethnic and cultural diversity in the European condominium? The moments of entry, integration and preservation.

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